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Current Offers

View our current offers and campaigns, including our competitive Owner Occupied and Investment Home Loan rates.

5th April 2024 - Upcoming Rate Changes

We are continuously reviewing our position to identify where some pressures may be easing that enable us to adjust our interest rates accordingly.

Feb 13 2024 - Update on Current SLA Timeframes

The LOS team is working through our current pipeline. We appreciate your patience and understanding during the time it's taken us to work through the backlog. 

Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) and the Reduction Of Supporting Documents

Since our update last year, we are pleased to advise that Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) is now fully implemented into our home loan assessment.

RBA delivers interest rate verdict

Article published by Mortgage Professional Australia- Auswide Bank managing director, Martin Barrett, provides his insight on the latest RBA cash rate increase.

24 June 2024 - Updated Servicing Calculator released - Effective 28th June, 2024

Our Servicing Calculator (QQ) has been updated to reflect the latest HEM changes and the new tax rates that come into play from the 1st July 2024.

15 March 2024 - Update on Current SLA Timeframes

Please note our Current SLAs for loan processing. You can also stay up to date via your Service Centre in the Broker Portal.

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We’re committed to supporting brokers with dedicated hands-on BRMs, competitive interest rates and loan offers across all LVRs.