

Our new process to lodge supporting documents

The way Brokers submit supporting documents to Auswide Bank has changed.

What is changing?

Previously supporting documents were emailed to Computershare (docs@loans1.auswidebank.com.au) to complete the validation and verification process and Supporting Documents could only be submitted after receiving an email request from Computershare.

We identified that approximately 50% of applications have supporting documents loaded into ApplyOnline by the broker as an Aggregator requirement for compliance purposes. Based on feedback from our brokers we are changing our process.  

To make the document submission process more efficient and easier for brokers we completed a project to integrate ApplyOnline and Computershare systems.

The new integrated solution will send supporting documents straight from your loan application in ApplyOnline to our validation system in Computershare.

A broker or their processor will now only need to upload the supporting documents into ApplyOnline Supporting Documents tab. When the file is ‘Submitted’ in ApplyOnline the uploaded supporting documents will be transferred straight through to Computershare, along with the application data. This change will make it easier and save Brokers and processors time when submitting supporting documents.

The new process

Effective from today, 19th October 2023, supporting documents for a loan application will need to be uploaded to the Supporting Documents tab in ApplyOnline.

  1. Broker loads the application into ApplyOnline via their Aggregator Platform
  2. Supporting documents are UPLOADED into the Supporting Documents tab
  3. Application data AND supporting documents are transferred to Computershare by the new integration solution
  4. Computershare assess the provided documents against the application data to conclude whether they meet all the Bank’s requirements as set out in the Supporting Document Checklist
  5.  If any documents don’t meet our requirements, Computershare will send the Broker a “Missing Information Request” (MIR), detailing which requirements have not been met
  6. The broker must reply to the MIR email and supply documents that meet the requirements
  7. MIR cycle continues via email until all requirements are met; 48 hours have passed, or the file is manually escalated.

    We have also re-introduced a submission checklist which identifies mandatory supporting documents that will need to be provided in order to complete the submission process in ApplyOnline. 

Other benefits of the change

Our Auswide Bank Broker Support team will now be able to see what supporting documents have been submitted to Computershare for validation and verification and will be able to provide better support to brokers when answering your queries regarding ‘Missing Information Requests’ you may receive.
It also provides us with the capability to resubmit an application to Computershare when it is being converted from Pre-approval to Full Approval providing faster validation and verification and a quicker time to a decision.

Book into a webinar today to learn more about the changes

We strongly encourage you to attend one of the webinars that your Broker Relationship Manager is hosting to get a thorough understanding of the new process.  
